The Start Node marks the beginning of a conversation. It gets activated when someone mentions or sends the first message in a direct message (DM).

When triggered, the Start Node passes the input it receives to all its outputs right away.

There are two paths associated with the Start Node:





1. onTrigger

The onTrigger path activates when the user opens the chat widget or DM, making it suitable for sending a greeting message before the user says anything

2. onMessage

The onMessage path activates when the user sends the first message in the chat, allowing the user to initiate the conversation.

For Example, onMessage path can be used to create a bot like ChatGPT, where the bot remains silent until the user sends the first message to start the conversation

Overall, the Start Node creates the foundation for interaction, determining the path to follow based on how the conversation begins.

After a DM conversation ends, the next user message will initiate the conversation anew, starting from the very beginning.