
Custom Knowledge Base (Released)

Add custom data sources (URL, Text, docs etc..) to the Assistant.

Canned Responses (Relased)

Display clickable buttons below the AI Assistant’s message.

Alternate Way to Start the Conversation (Released)

AI Assistant starts the conversation first by sending inital messages instead of waiting for user input.

AI Assistant Designer Collaboration (Relased)

Team up with colleagues to create an AI Assistant that provides real-time screen updates.

React UI Kit (Relased)

Botstacks’s React UI kit simplifies the process of creating chat-enabled applications in React by offering a collection of pre-designed user interface components.

Anthropic LLM Models (Relased)

Anthropic models Claude 1 & Claude 2

Mobile SDKs (Relased)

Botstacks’s mobile SDKs allow developers to integrate Botstacks’s conversational AI features seamlessly into iOS and Android apps, enabling enhanced user experiences with chat interfaces.

Guided Flow for Beginners (Relased)

Easy to follow resource provides step-by-step instructions, tips, and examples to assist beginners in understanding the platform’s features and functionalities.

Google LLM Model (Relased)

Google model Gemini Pro integration.

Anthropic LLM Models (Relased)

Anthropic Claude 3 Opus, Haiku, Sonnet integration.

Discord Integration (Relased)

This integration enables users to interact with your AI assistants directly through the Discord Server, expanding your reach and providing a familiar and convenient channel for communication and engagement.


WhatsApp Integration (Relased)

This integration enables users to interact with your AI assistants directly through WhatsApp, expanding your reach and providing a familiar and convenient channel for communication and engagement.

Mistral LLM Models (Relased)

Integration of Mistral models 7B, 8x7B, 8x22B, Small, Medium, Large

2 Factor Authentication (Relased)

Safeguard your BotStacks account with 2FA security.

Transcripts (Relased)

With Transcripts, users can gain a deeper understanding of chatbot user behavior, identify areas for improvement, and enhance the overall effectiveness of their AI Assistant.

Bring Your Own Models (Relased)

You can bring your own custom LLM models to use with your AI Assistants.

Slack Integration (Relased)

This integration enables users to interact with your AI assistants directly through Slack, expanding your reach and providing a familiar and convenient channel for communication and engagement.

OpenAI LLM Models (Relased)

OpenAI model ChatGPT-4o✨ integration.

Condition Node (Relased)

The Condition Node allows you to create different paths in a conversation based on specific conditions. This means you can make your assistant respond differently depending on the situation.

Cohere LLM Models (Relased)

Cohere models Command, Command Light, Command R, Command R+ integrated.

Facebook Messenger Integration (Relased)

This integration enables users to interact with your AI assistants directly through Facebook page, expanding your reach and providing a familiar and convenient channel for communication and engagement.

Assistant Test Suite (Relased)

Create test cases to perform repeated tests, eliminating the need to manually verify AI Assistant responses each time you make changes to the conversation flow.

Sandbox Tracing (Relased)

View the logs of what’s happening behind the scenes in the sandbox. This will help you debug any issue you may encounter while building an AI Assistant.


Integration Marketplace

With the new Integrations Marketplace, it’s now even easier for BotStacks users to discover, install, and configure integrations.

Canvas Designer Enhancements

With the new Canvas Designer Enhancements, it’s even easier for all BotStacks users to Build AI Assistants faster.

Auto Bot Builder

Simply type what you want to build in plain text and let the Bot Build the AI Assistant for you Automatically

Web Chat User Interface Additions

Improve your user experience with sleek design upgrades and new features that ensure your conversations shine.

Non Text Bot Inputs

Seamlessly attach images, files, and videos to enrich your interactions with AI Assistants beyond text.

Speech To Text (STT)

Speak directly to the bot in the chat window, transforming your voice into instant messages for effortless interaction

Multi-Platform AI Bot Launch

A toolkit designed to deploy AI bots across any platform with ease, enabling seamless integration and broad accessibility.

Application Integrations for Marketplace

New integrations such as Microsoft Teams, JIRA, and more, expanding our marketplace with powerful connections to enhance your workflow efficiency.

Custom Datbase Integration

Seamlessly connect your own database to our platform, empowering you to leverage your data with enhanced flexibility and efficiency.


Coming soon.