Discord Integration makes it easy for your AI Assistant to connect with Discord, a popular messaging app.

Once set up, people can chat with your AI Assistant by sending messages on a discord channel on your server or sending direct messages to your AI Assistant


To setup Discord Integration you will need 2 pieces of information from the Discord Developer Portal:


Discord Client ID

Client ID is a unique snowflake identifier for your application in the developer portal.


Discord App Token

App Token is an authorization token allows Botstacks to control your Discord App (sending messages, listening to user messages etc..)

Setting up the Discord integration

1) Create an App

Visit discord.com/developers/applications and create your app by clicking the New Application button

Enter a Name for your App and click on create

You can change this name later

2) Customize your App

Customize your App by giving it a description and profile picture

3) Obtain your App Token

Obtain your App Token by going to the Bot page from the left sidebar.

Discord won’t show the token for the first time so you have to click on Reset Token to access your token

After you have reset your token, discord will show the app token.

Copy the token and keep it somewhere safe because discord only shows the token one time after you reset.

Do not share this token with anyone else. Whoever has access to this token can login to your App and do anything they want

4) Add your App Token to Botstacks

Paste your App Token on Botstacks Dashboard Integrations page.

5) Obtain your Client ID

Copy your Client ID by going to the OAuth2 page from the left sidebar.

6) Add your Client ID to Botstacks

Paste your Client ID on Botstacks Dashboard Integrations page.

7) Enable Privileged Gateway Intents

On Bot page, enable all 3 intents shown on the Privileged Gateway Intents

8) Generate your OAuth2 URL

On OAuth2 page, enable the option Bot on the category OAuth2 URL Generator

Enable the following options on the category Bot Permissions


Send Messages


Send Messages in Threads


Embed Links


Attach Files


Read Message History


Use External Emojis


Use External Stickers


Add Reactions

You can simply enable the Administrator option instead of manually enabling the options mentioned above, but this is not recommended as it may cause more damage to your server if your app gets compromised

9) Invite your App to your Server

On OAuth2 page, copy the Generated URL and paste it on a new tab on your browser. This is the invite link to your App.

Choose the server you want to add your App and click on Continue

Enable all the options shown on the popup and click on Authorize

After you click on Authorize, your App will join your server and anyone can interact with your App (your AI Assistant) by pinging it or sending a Direct message.