Facebook Messenger Integration
Facebook Messenger Integration makes it easy for your AI Assistant to connect with Messenger.
Once set up, your Facebook audience can chat with your Assistant just by sending messages to your Facebook Page.
To setup Messenger Integration you will need 3 pieces of information
Webhook Callback URL
Messenger uses the webhook callback URL to communicate to BotStacks.
Webhook Verify Token
BotStacks checks the webhook verify token to make sure it’s the right connection with Messenger.
Messenger Access Token
BotStacks uses the Access token to confirm with Messenger when sending responses from the AI Assistant.
Setting up the Messenger integration
1) Create an App
Visit developers.facebook.com/apps and create your app by clicking the Create App
Choose Other
as the use case for your app
Choose Business
as the app type
Give a Name
and Contact Email
for your app
2) Setup Messenger
After you have created your app, you will be taken to the Meta Developer dashboard. From the dashboard click the setup
option on messenger
Navigate to Messenger API Settings and click configure
Once you have clicked the configure button, you will be asked to enter Callback URL
& Verify Token
On BotStacks dashboard, go to the integrations page and copy the Callback URL
& Verify Token
and enter it on Meta Dashboard
Once you have entered the data on Meta Dashboard, you can see the Continue
3) Connect your Facebook page
Connect your Facebook page, this is the facebook page your assistant will be active on
4) Generate Access Token
Click on Add Subscription
button to add subscriptions to the webhook
Select the option messages
and click confirm
Click the Generate
button to generate your Access Token
Copy the Access Token
and paste it on BotStacks integrations page
From now on, your AI Assistant will respond to the messages people send to your Facebook Page.