
import { ChatMessage } from "@botstacks/chat-react";


message[IMessage](/sdk-reference/javascript/store#messageThe message to display
disableReactionsbooleanfalseDisable to option to add reactions
disableAvatarbooleanfalseHide the user’s avatar
disableReplybooleanfalseDisable to option to reply to a message
disableExtrasbooleanfalseHide the extra options of a message, such as copy, edit, delete
renderMessage(message: Message) => voidIf provided, use this function rather than the baked in UI.

Specific class names to override bubbles. Options are sender and bubble.

onReply(message: Message) => void

If provided, show the option to reply to the message and handle callback.

onEdit() => voidCallback for editing a message
onDelete(id: string) => voidCallback for deleting a message