Our Avatar component renders an image for a given URL in a bordered circle at the specified size. This is utilized in our larger components to render user Avatars (as the component name claims).

There are a few overload methods for this component dependent on your usage.

Avatar(user = message.user)
Avatar(url = chat.displayImage, size = AvatarSize.Large, chat = true)
Avatar(type = AvatarType.Channel(listOf(chat.displayImage)))
Avatar(type = AvatarType.User(user))
Avatar sizing resolves around two defined sizes, with the ability to define a custom size.

AvatarSize.Small - renders at 50 dp

AvatarSize.Large - renders at 100 dp

AvatarSize.Custom(val dp: Dp) - renders at specified size

For a more detailed API definition, check out the API docs here.